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23:31, 23 maj 2024: Deleted (dyskusja | edycje) uruchomił(a) filtr 2, wykonując „edit” na Answers About Toys. Podjęte działania: Ostrzeżenie; Opis filtru: Prawdopodobny spam - długi tekst bez wikikodu (sprawdź)

Wprowadzone w edycji zmiany

[ Daniel Levinson] is the psychologist who [ developed] a model of adult socialization that included stages of early adult, midlife, and  [ sabunqq] later adult transitions. His <br>Read more<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>Toys<br><br><br><br>+1<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>What is a good title for a social studies project researching the history of one of the best cellists in the world Yo-yo Ma?<br><br>Asked by Htroxursox<br><br><br><br>"The Melodic Journey of Yo-Yo Ma: A Study in Musical Excellence"

Parametry akcji

Liczba edycji użytkownika (user_editcount)
Nazwa konta użytkownika (user_name)
Grupy (w tym ukryte), do których należy użytkownik (user_groups)
[ 0 => '*', 1 => 'user' ]
Identyfikator strony (page_id)
Przestrzeń nazw strony (page_namespace)
Tytuł strony (bez przestrzeni nazw) (page_title)
'Answers About Toys'
Pełny tytuł strony (page_prefixedtitle)
'Answers About Toys'
Akcja (action)
Opis zmian (summary)
Stary model zawartości (old_content_model)
Nowy model zawartości (new_content_model)
Stary wikikod strony, przed modyfikacją (old_wikitext)
Nowa treść strony, po modyfikacji (new_wikitext)
'[ Daniel Levinson] is the psychologist who [ developed] a model of adult socialization that included stages of early adult, midlife, and [ sabunqq] later adult transitions. His <br>Read more<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>Toys<br><br><br><br>+1<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>What is a good title for a social studies project researching the history of one of the best cellists in the world Yo-yo Ma?<br><br>Asked by Htroxursox<br><br><br><br>"The Melodic Journey of Yo-Yo Ma: A Study in Musical Excellence"'
Diff wszystkich zmian dokonanych podczas edycji (edit_diff)
'@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@ +[ Daniel Levinson] is the psychologist who [ developed] a model of adult socialization that included stages of early adult, midlife, and [ sabunqq] later adult transitions. His <br>Read more<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>Toys<br><br><br><br>+1<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>What is a good title for a social studies project researching the history of one of the best cellists in the world Yo-yo Ma?<br><br>Asked by Htroxursox<br><br><br><br>"The Melodic Journey of Yo-Yo Ma: A Study in Musical Excellence" '
Nowy rozmiar strony (new_size)
Stary rozmiar strony (old_size)
Linie dodane podczas edycji (added_lines)
[ 0 => '[ Daniel Levinson] is the psychologist who [ developed] a model of adult socialization that included stages of early adult, midlife, and [ sabunqq] later adult transitions. His <br>Read more<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>Toys<br><br><br><br>+1<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>What is a good title for a social studies project researching the history of one of the best cellists in the world Yo-yo Ma?<br><br>Asked by Htroxursox<br><br><br><br>"The Melodic Journey of Yo-Yo Ma: A Study in Musical Excellence"' ]
Linie usunięte podczas edycji (removed_lines)
Unixowy znacznik czasu „timestamp” dla zmiany (timestamp)