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08:46, 15 paź 2024: Deleted (dyskusja | edycje) uruchomił(a) filtr 2, wykonując „edit” na Art And Soul Their Midwest. Podjęte działania: Ostrzeżenie; Opis filtru: Prawdopodobny spam - długi tekst bez wikikodu (sprawdź)

Wprowadzone w edycji zmiany

Beginning in the teens, I used to be fascinated with reading when thinking about the practice of Yoga, it's goal of obtaining the inner 'Self', the timeless inner most associated with each folks that may be the absolute core essential that carries us through each life. The Self being so close to us i rarely are sensitive to it. The Self being very subtle whose main quality is 'beingness'.<br><br>[]<br><br>When you undergo a regression, require it and it experience those and events that shaped your prior lives. A wide variety of them may shape the person you are today, in current life - which will help you understand decisions you've made or fears you will have.<br><br>[ path Of The soul]<br><br>[ Spiritual Victory] care helps us to keep our roots firmly rooted in Him so that as we grow in "outward" ministry we don't become top-heavy. Our growth is maintained by the "life sap" flowing up from our roots. We begin to accept how God sees us and in obedience we step out further into what He's for folks. Our soul is a living part of us that must be nurtured by His attractiveness.<br><br>You, in your "let's pretend" role of Creator God, soon start to realize that reincarnation will be the logical, sensible, compassionate solution to run your little world. Recognize you did all you can as far as the seven different ray groups helping some other. You begin to look at the necessity for rules and regulations to govern the cycle of lives, the recirculation worth mentioning beautiful divine sparks of yours.<br><br>I am blessed to eat gentle paw pads stroking my face to awaken me at dawn. All the eccentric little habits, routines, traits, favorite toys, foods, spots and tricks known and my sell soul is the government financial aid my world in another earthly "monogrammed" fur form as Family member.<br><br>As the soul moves from one body to another, it carries forward the reactions that when compared with accumulated by performing various deeds. Could potentially be thought of as a personal account just about every soul is associated with, irrespective from the current individual. The account would have both fantastic and bad reactions of past actions. These reactions are called karma.<br><br>And a little more obscure is that if many imagine it, or dream it, or think it, you have likely done it. In at least probably one of your incarnations. Of which there were more than you can count.

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[ 0 => '*', 1 => 'user' ]
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'Art And Soul Their Midwest'
Pełny tytuł strony (page_prefixedtitle)
'Art And Soul Their Midwest'
Akcja (action)
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Nowa treść strony, po modyfikacji (new_wikitext)
'Beginning in the teens, I used to be fascinated with reading when thinking about the practice of Yoga, it's goal of obtaining the inner 'Self', the timeless inner most associated with each folks that may be the absolute core essential that carries us through each life. The Self being so close to us i rarely are sensitive to it. The Self being very subtle whose main quality is 'beingness'.<br><br>[]<br><br>When you undergo a regression, require it and it experience those and events that shaped your prior lives. A wide variety of them may shape the person you are today, in current life - which will help you understand decisions you've made or fears you will have.<br><br>[ path Of The soul]<br><br>[ Spiritual Victory] care helps us to keep our roots firmly rooted in Him so that as we grow in "outward" ministry we don't become top-heavy. Our growth is maintained by the "life sap" flowing up from our roots. We begin to accept how God sees us and in obedience we step out further into what He's for folks. Our soul is a living part of us that must be nurtured by His attractiveness.<br><br>You, in your "let's pretend" role of Creator God, soon start to realize that reincarnation will be the logical, sensible, compassionate solution to run your little world. Recognize you did all you can as far as the seven different ray groups helping some other. You begin to look at the necessity for rules and regulations to govern the cycle of lives, the recirculation worth mentioning beautiful divine sparks of yours.<br><br>I am blessed to eat gentle paw pads stroking my face to awaken me at dawn. All the eccentric little habits, routines, traits, favorite toys, foods, spots and tricks known and my sell soul is the government financial aid my world in another earthly "monogrammed" fur form as Family member.<br><br>As the soul moves from one body to another, it carries forward the reactions that when compared with accumulated by performing various deeds. Could potentially be thought of as a personal account just about every soul is associated with, irrespective from the current individual. The account would have both fantastic and bad reactions of past actions. These reactions are called karma.<br><br>And a little more obscure is that if many imagine it, or dream it, or think it, you have likely done it. In at least probably one of your incarnations. Of which there were more than you can count.'
Diff wszystkich zmian dokonanych podczas edycji (edit_diff)
'@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@ +Beginning in the teens, I used to be fascinated with reading when thinking about the practice of Yoga, it's goal of obtaining the inner 'Self', the timeless inner most associated with each folks that may be the absolute core essential that carries us through each life. The Self being so close to us i rarely are sensitive to it. The Self being very subtle whose main quality is 'beingness'.<br><br>[]<br><br>When you undergo a regression, require it and it experience those and events that shaped your prior lives. A wide variety of them may shape the person you are today, in current life - which will help you understand decisions you've made or fears you will have.<br><br>[ path Of The soul]<br><br>[ Spiritual Victory] care helps us to keep our roots firmly rooted in Him so that as we grow in "outward" ministry we don't become top-heavy. Our growth is maintained by the "life sap" flowing up from our roots. We begin to accept how God sees us and in obedience we step out further into what He's for folks. Our soul is a living part of us that must be nurtured by His attractiveness.<br><br>You, in your "let's pretend" role of Creator God, soon start to realize that reincarnation will be the logical, sensible, compassionate solution to run your little world. Recognize you did all you can as far as the seven different ray groups helping some other. You begin to look at the necessity for rules and regulations to govern the cycle of lives, the recirculation worth mentioning beautiful divine sparks of yours.<br><br>I am blessed to eat gentle paw pads stroking my face to awaken me at dawn. All the eccentric little habits, routines, traits, favorite toys, foods, spots and tricks known and my sell soul is the government financial aid my world in another earthly "monogrammed" fur form as Family member.<br><br>As the soul moves from one body to another, it carries forward the reactions that when compared with accumulated by performing various deeds. Could potentially be thought of as a personal account just about every soul is associated with, irrespective from the current individual. The account would have both fantastic and bad reactions of past actions. These reactions are called karma.<br><br>And a little more obscure is that if many imagine it, or dream it, or think it, you have likely done it. In at least probably one of your incarnations. Of which there were more than you can count. '
Nowy rozmiar strony (new_size)
Stary rozmiar strony (old_size)
Linie dodane podczas edycji (added_lines)
[ 0 => 'Beginning in the teens, I used to be fascinated with reading when thinking about the practice of Yoga, it's goal of obtaining the inner 'Self', the timeless inner most associated with each folks that may be the absolute core essential that carries us through each life. The Self being so close to us i rarely are sensitive to it. The Self being very subtle whose main quality is 'beingness'.<br><br>[]<br><br>When you undergo a regression, require it and it experience those and events that shaped your prior lives. A wide variety of them may shape the person you are today, in current life - which will help you understand decisions you've made or fears you will have.<br><br>[ path Of The soul]<br><br>[ Spiritual Victory] care helps us to keep our roots firmly rooted in Him so that as we grow in "outward" ministry we don't become top-heavy. Our growth is maintained by the "life sap" flowing up from our roots. We begin to accept how God sees us and in obedience we step out further into what He's for folks. Our soul is a living part of us that must be nurtured by His attractiveness.<br><br>You, in your "let's pretend" role of Creator God, soon start to realize that reincarnation will be the logical, sensible, compassionate solution to run your little world. Recognize you did all you can as far as the seven different ray groups helping some other. You begin to look at the necessity for rules and regulations to govern the cycle of lives, the recirculation worth mentioning beautiful divine sparks of yours.<br><br>I am blessed to eat gentle paw pads stroking my face to awaken me at dawn. All the eccentric little habits, routines, traits, favorite toys, foods, spots and tricks known and my sell soul is the government financial aid my world in another earthly "monogrammed" fur form as Family member.<br><br>As the soul moves from one body to another, it carries forward the reactions that when compared with accumulated by performing various deeds. Could potentially be thought of as a personal account just about every soul is associated with, irrespective from the current individual. The account would have both fantastic and bad reactions of past actions. These reactions are called karma.<br><br>And a little more obscure is that if many imagine it, or dream it, or think it, you have likely done it. In at least probably one of your incarnations. Of which there were more than you can count.' ]
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