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15:32, 29 sty 2022: Deleted (dyskusja | edycje) uruchomił(a) filtr 2, wykonując „edit” na Empowering Home Improvements That Change Lives. Podjęte działania: Ostrzeżenie; Opis filtru: Prawdopodobny spam - długi tekst bez wikikodu (sprawdź)

Wprowadzone w edycji zmiany

It is a fact of life that your home and living environment has an effect on your daily emotional temperament. You probably spend a majority of every day in your home. You will be happier once you make your home a place where you can express your feelings with decoration. The following ideas are written with the goal of enhancing the personal satisfaction and enjoyment you find in your home.<br><br>Eliminate the problems in you home that cause [ disruption] and discomfort in your life. Customize your home to your own personal needs and wants. The most important thing is what contentment and pleasure you obtain from your home. If a potential buyer is not enthused by your addition, let them make their changes once the home is theirs.<br><br>Look for ways to creatively expand your space. For some people, no amount of rearranging can help with the fact that there just isn't enough room in their home. Adding an addition is a great way to extend living space. A small addition to your home can give you the room you need to create a space that feels much more open, clean and homey.<br><br>Try to add more entertainment features to your home. Pools and saunas are excellent additions, but smaller-scale facilities like home gyms are also favorable. The value of your home will be increased when it is enhanced by these extra features.<br><br>Don't ignore the importance of lighting in the spaces in your life. Be sure to make changes in your lighting scheme as this can help with vision issues, and will add a new design aesthetic to any room. Installing new lighting fixtures is a simple project you can do to beautify your home.<br><br>Add a touch of organics by keeping your garden more natural. Making a section of your outdoor space into a lovely garden can motivate you to spend more time at home. If you don't have much of a green thumb, hire a professional so that you can still gain the benefits of a garden. Gardens improve many things, [ including] your mood and air quality. You can use your garden to grow your own fruits, vegetables and flowers.<br><br>Changing the exterior can make you love your home. Make your home stand out with a new roof or windows. Every time you approach your home, you will marvel at how good your home looks.<br><br>Because you spend so much time in your home, having a residence you truly love can help keep your general satisfaction levels high. Therefore,  [ katalog firm] improving your home in ways that make you happy is not only financially smart, but also emotionally smart.

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[ 0 => '*', 1 => 'user' ]
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'Empowering Home Improvements That Change Lives'
Pełny tytuł strony (page_prefixedtitle)
'Empowering Home Improvements That Change Lives'
Akcja (action)
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Nowy model zawartości (new_content_model)
Stary wikikod strony, przed modyfikacją (old_wikitext)
Nowa treść strony, po modyfikacji (new_wikitext)
'It is a fact of life that your home and living environment has an effect on your daily emotional temperament. You probably spend a majority of every day in your home. You will be happier once you make your home a place where you can express your feelings with decoration. The following ideas are written with the goal of enhancing the personal satisfaction and enjoyment you find in your home.<br><br>Eliminate the problems in you home that cause [ disruption] and discomfort in your life. Customize your home to your own personal needs and wants. The most important thing is what contentment and pleasure you obtain from your home. If a potential buyer is not enthused by your addition, let them make their changes once the home is theirs.<br><br>Look for ways to creatively expand your space. For some people, no amount of rearranging can help with the fact that there just isn't enough room in their home. Adding an addition is a great way to extend living space. A small addition to your home can give you the room you need to create a space that feels much more open, clean and homey.<br><br>Try to add more entertainment features to your home. Pools and saunas are excellent additions, but smaller-scale facilities like home gyms are also favorable. The value of your home will be increased when it is enhanced by these extra features.<br><br>Don't ignore the importance of lighting in the spaces in your life. Be sure to make changes in your lighting scheme as this can help with vision issues, and will add a new design aesthetic to any room. Installing new lighting fixtures is a simple project you can do to beautify your home.<br><br>Add a touch of organics by keeping your garden more natural. Making a section of your outdoor space into a lovely garden can motivate you to spend more time at home. If you don't have much of a green thumb, hire a professional so that you can still gain the benefits of a garden. Gardens improve many things, [ including] your mood and air quality. You can use your garden to grow your own fruits, vegetables and flowers.<br><br>Changing the exterior can make you love your home. Make your home stand out with a new roof or windows. Every time you approach your home, you will marvel at how good your home looks.<br><br>Because you spend so much time in your home, having a residence you truly love can help keep your general satisfaction levels high. Therefore, [ katalog firm] improving your home in ways that make you happy is not only financially smart, but also emotionally smart.'
Diff wszystkich zmian dokonanych podczas edycji (edit_diff)
'@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@ +It is a fact of life that your home and living environment has an effect on your daily emotional temperament. You probably spend a majority of every day in your home. You will be happier once you make your home a place where you can express your feelings with decoration. The following ideas are written with the goal of enhancing the personal satisfaction and enjoyment you find in your home.<br><br>Eliminate the problems in you home that cause [ disruption] and discomfort in your life. Customize your home to your own personal needs and wants. The most important thing is what contentment and pleasure you obtain from your home. If a potential buyer is not enthused by your addition, let them make their changes once the home is theirs.<br><br>Look for ways to creatively expand your space. For some people, no amount of rearranging can help with the fact that there just isn't enough room in their home. Adding an addition is a great way to extend living space. A small addition to your home can give you the room you need to create a space that feels much more open, clean and homey.<br><br>Try to add more entertainment features to your home. Pools and saunas are excellent additions, but smaller-scale facilities like home gyms are also favorable. The value of your home will be increased when it is enhanced by these extra features.<br><br>Don't ignore the importance of lighting in the spaces in your life. Be sure to make changes in your lighting scheme as this can help with vision issues, and will add a new design aesthetic to any room. Installing new lighting fixtures is a simple project you can do to beautify your home.<br><br>Add a touch of organics by keeping your garden more natural. Making a section of your outdoor space into a lovely garden can motivate you to spend more time at home. If you don't have much of a green thumb, hire a professional so that you can still gain the benefits of a garden. Gardens improve many things, [ including] your mood and air quality. You can use your garden to grow your own fruits, vegetables and flowers.<br><br>Changing the exterior can make you love your home. Make your home stand out with a new roof or windows. Every time you approach your home, you will marvel at how good your home looks.<br><br>Because you spend so much time in your home, having a residence you truly love can help keep your general satisfaction levels high. Therefore, [ katalog firm] improving your home in ways that make you happy is not only financially smart, but also emotionally smart. '
Nowy rozmiar strony (new_size)
Stary rozmiar strony (old_size)
Linie dodane podczas edycji (added_lines)
[ 0 => 'It is a fact of life that your home and living environment has an effect on your daily emotional temperament. You probably spend a majority of every day in your home. You will be happier once you make your home a place where you can express your feelings with decoration. The following ideas are written with the goal of enhancing the personal satisfaction and enjoyment you find in your home.<br><br>Eliminate the problems in you home that cause [ disruption] and discomfort in your life. Customize your home to your own personal needs and wants. The most important thing is what contentment and pleasure you obtain from your home. If a potential buyer is not enthused by your addition, let them make their changes once the home is theirs.<br><br>Look for ways to creatively expand your space. For some people, no amount of rearranging can help with the fact that there just isn't enough room in their home. Adding an addition is a great way to extend living space. A small addition to your home can give you the room you need to create a space that feels much more open, clean and homey.<br><br>Try to add more entertainment features to your home. Pools and saunas are excellent additions, but smaller-scale facilities like home gyms are also favorable. The value of your home will be increased when it is enhanced by these extra features.<br><br>Don't ignore the importance of lighting in the spaces in your life. Be sure to make changes in your lighting scheme as this can help with vision issues, and will add a new design aesthetic to any room. Installing new lighting fixtures is a simple project you can do to beautify your home.<br><br>Add a touch of organics by keeping your garden more natural. Making a section of your outdoor space into a lovely garden can motivate you to spend more time at home. If you don't have much of a green thumb, hire a professional so that you can still gain the benefits of a garden. Gardens improve many things, [ including] your mood and air quality. You can use your garden to grow your own fruits, vegetables and flowers.<br><br>Changing the exterior can make you love your home. Make your home stand out with a new roof or windows. Every time you approach your home, you will marvel at how good your home looks.<br><br>Because you spend so much time in your home, having a residence you truly love can help keep your general satisfaction levels high. Therefore, [ katalog firm] improving your home in ways that make you happy is not only financially smart, but also emotionally smart.' ]
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